You can now advertise your books free using our free classified ad portal at KDP College. This should be good news for authors who want to sell more books.
Related: How to sell more books on Amazon
Advertise your books free: A press release
This is a press release from the management of Zarepath Publishing, our parent company. The free classified ad for authors and publishers Portal is on one of the subsidiaries of Zarepath Publishing, a sister company to
Please find the product announcement that is inviting you to advertise your books free below:
Advertise your books at no cost
Another Product Announcement from Zarepath Publishing.
Place a FREE classified ad for your published books. You have a chance to give free exposure to your published books and gain access to more customers and subscribers to your newsletter.
This new product from Zarepath Publishing is designed to help authors expose their published books to more people.
At Zarepath Publishing, we have interacted with lots of authors over the years and we observed lots of them lack the capacity and the knowledge to market and give maximum exposure to their books.
Place a FREE classified ad for your published books today. Your listing stays on the website for 7 good days. You can always renew your listing at no cost to you!
So visit the link below to place your book ad now: