How to gain more visibility for your books on Amazon
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How to gain more visibility for your books on Amazon is the focus of this post and I believe it will be of great use to someone out there.

Over the years, at Sarefat Vision Publishing, we have seen the frustration of many authors who have their books published on Amazon in getting the word out about their published books on Amazon.

Agreed, marketing books published on Amazon has many sides to it. This is the reason we always try to give simple but workable tips on this blog on how to give more visibility to your published books on Amazon.


Gaining more visibility for your books on Amazon

Gaining more visibility for your books on Amazon is all about carrying out marketing and publicity activities to make more people know about your published books on Amazon.

Your books need to gain more visibility for you to have the chance of selling more books on Amazon. I am using this post to show you one marketing tip that can help your book to gain more visibility on Amazon.

Related: Video: How to set up 2-steps verification for your Amazon account.


The power of titles and subtitles

Usually, titles and subtitles for books are created with the help of researched keywords of what people are searching for on Amazon already. We always advise authors to create a permanent title and subtitles for their books only after they are done writing the books and after they have carried out adequate keywords researches.

The contents of their books will not change but they can always create titles and subtitles for their books with these researched keywords and keyphrases in mind.

Over the years we understand that authors don’t always like the titles of their books to be altered so we usually suggest subtitles that can be included to aid the visibility of the books on Amazon. This is how selling on the internet works generally.


More information about how to gain more visibility for your books on Amazon

Let me give more information. Most people published good books on Amazon but these books don’t get seen because there are millions of other books in that category where the books were published on Amazon.

So the books that have the chance of getting seen are the ones that are optimized for visibility through adequate keywords researches.


What is keywords research for books on Amazon?

Keywords research for books on Amazon is all about looking for what people are already searching on Amazon in the topic area of the book. So we use these researched keywords strategically in the titles, subtitles and in the description of the book on Amazon.

Amazon takes into consideration these areas when recommending books for visitors to their website or store.

If you want to know about what keywords research and how to get it done, you can get my best-selling ebook or online course, titled, How I Sell books on Amazon. Call or Whatsapp 08034300979.


How I sell ebooks on Amazon guide

Just as I mentioned earlier there are now millions of books on Amazon, it is important that authors and publishers must get more committed to using simple and effective promotion tactics for their published books on Amazon.

In my best selling ebook guides, How I sell ebooks on Amazon and How I publish Books on Amazon are very useful materials for you. Call or Whatsapp 08034300979 to gain access today at highly discounted prices.

Publishing on Amazon is now a serious business and it requires every attention given to it just like a brick and mortar business.


How to gain more visibility for your books on Amazon
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