Learning how to make money with books and writings is one of the most rewarding skills you must acquire if you are an author.
My first ever self-published book was silly mistakes in mathematics. It was really a great experience for me. This project opened my eyes to the hidden treasures that are buried with book publishing and sales and how to make money with books.
I sold lots of copies of this book in my country and the project also opened up lots of opportunities for me and my company. I have self-published other books since then and I have discovered more opportunities around this business.
One of the most astounding discoveries I made while writing and selling books was the fact that the sales from direct book sales should not be the main or the only source of revenue for authors. This was new to me before I ventured into the business. I used to think I can only make money with my books only if I can sell lots of copies of it.
In fact, this misplaced thoughts actually deprived me of catching on some opportunities at the early stage of my book-selling business.
[click_to_tweet tweet=”Learning how to make money with books and writings is one of the most rewarding skills you must acquire if you are an author. Learn how…” quote=”Learning how to make money with books and writings is one of the most rewarding skills you must acquire if you are an author. Learn how…”]
I will be using this article to show you the different ways you can use books and writings to rake in lots of revenue for yourself. The money from the sales of your book should actually be the least revenue source for your book.
I have practically used most of these tips so i will be pointing your attention to internet links to support my claims. If you are reading this ebook and you are connected to the internet, you can just visit these links.
Thanks and have a great experience with this ebook.
Note: You can download the PDF version of this article at Book Money
Now let us go to these strategies.
How to Make Money With Books and Writings
Direct Book Sales
This is very common. Most authors have relied on this as their main source of income. Just like I mentioned above this should not be so. However, this is still a good source of revenue for your book especially if you know how to distribute or market your books.
Writing your book is the first step in your book business, publishing it is another step, distributing or selling it is another and it is a very important one. You can’t make money from your books sales if you don’t have ways of putting it in the hands of people who will pay you cash in exchange for your book.
Strategies in direct book sales are beyond the scope of this article but you can register free for our publishing suite newsletter where we will always send you resources that can make sell more books.
Distribute a Free Report
You can package your book and give it away as a free report on your website. Well you may be wondering how you can make money when you are giving out your book as a free report. There are simple and sure ways to make money using this strategy:
- You can use your free report to show your expertise and advertise your existing books or yet- to -be published book.
- You can use your free report to give publicity to your brand or organisation. You can visit Christian short reports to see what I am using free reports to do.
- You can include affiliate links in your free report and encourage your readers to visit the links. An affiliate business is one that will give you the opportunity to sell other people’s products to earn a commission on each sale. There are many website online offering affiliate opportunities to visitors to their websites. Most of them offer free subscription. You can carry out a search to obtain information about these websites
- You can use your free report to build a customer base. Place the free report on your website using an auto responder form. When visitors come to your website to pick the free report, they are asked to leave their contact information and expect an auto response from you containing the link to the free report. Though, they are collecting this report free of charge, they may become paying customers in the future. You can always contact them with the contact information they left with you.
Start a Blog
A blog is an online diary where experts put their thoughts for the people to read. Blogging is big business now. Authors are now running blogs to show their expertise to the public and to promote their books.
People will readily buy from an author they have read from on many occasions and the one they know is an authority on his subject. If you have written a book, you can break the book down into several articles and place them on your blog to showcase your expertise and also to promote future books.
Blogging can be a very rewarding exercise if you can make yourself to post consistently on it and show to your readers that you are an expert on your topic. If you combine blogging with the idea in the second tip above, then you will be having a great sales system for your books that will make you money for a long time.
Distribute Articles
You can also break down your book contents into articles that you will distribute on the internet free of charge. Webmasters have used article distribution to promote their websites, products, brands etc. on the internet. They have also used them to promote affiliate products.
Webmasters have visited article submission websites to pick up these distributed articles for use on their websites. If yours are picked, it presents a wonderful opportunity for you to obtain cheap exposure for whatever you have used your articles to promote.
Therefore, instead of selling your book, you can break it down into articles and distribute them free of charge on the internet or the social media to promote other products..
Open Doors With Your Books
I love this strategy. I believe my books should open doors of other opportunities for me. After I published my first book, Silly Mistakes in Mathematics, lots of parents contacted me for consultancy work for their children. I made more money from these consultancy works than the money I made from the sales of the book itself.
I have voluntarily given my books out to experts in my industry expecting a joint venture opportunity with them. One of it gave me lots of money even before I began to sell the book.
Books show you as an expert (which you are if you are the author of the book). Other experts will be willing to do business with you if they have seen your expertise on the pages of your book.
Show Yourself As An Authority
Sometimes, you are not directly interested in making immediate cash with your book. You just want to push a book out and distribute freely to show you as a voice in your industry. So you are just going to be distributing your books in the right places to shout out your brand to the whole world.
This may not give you immediate gains of more cash but an increased recognition in your industry will eventually make you wealthy in the nearest future.
I hope you have gained so much from this strategies. You can let me know in the comment section how you have used books and your writings to make money. Please share this article with your friends on the social media.
Note: You can download the PDF version of this article at Book Money