If you want to learn how to obtain a loan for a business, this post gets you covered. Obtaining a loan for your business can be one of the life savers for the business.
The loan can go a long way to bring life into the business and get it on its feet especially if the business has been struggling. There is an agency in Nigeria that is dedicated to helping you secure the necessary loan for your business that can help expand your business frontiers.
How to obtain a loan for a business in Nigeria
To obtain a loan for a business in Nigeria is as easy as contacting Strong Tower Capital Limited (RC 7018104). This company provides agency services to facilitate loans for your business.
Please find more information about this company and their loan services for businesses below.
Strong Tower Capital Limited: Facilitating loans for businesses
STRONG TOWER CAPITAL LIMITED is a financial institution that provides financial services to business owners (both Corporate and SMEs) across Nigeria. We also provide agency services for Loans that range from NGN5,000,000.00 and above.
The following are the basic eligibility criteria to obtain loans for your business:
- Client must be an adult (21 years old and above)
- Client must be the owner of the business.
- Clients must have been doing the same business and currently running consecutively for a minimum of 24 months.
- Client must have been in the business location or its environs for a minimum of 12 months
- Client business must be in Nigeria.
- The applicant must be a Lagos/Nigerian resident.
- The business has to be in the operating area of the Organization.
- The applicant must not be a guarantor to any running loan in the Bank. If the applicant has guaranteed a Sub-standard Loan, the Head of Business must make a Decision.
REQUIREMENTS for Business Loans
The following are the requirements for business loans:
- 12 months Business Bank statement(s)
- 12 months Personal Bank statement(s)
- Valid ID Card(s)
- Business Registration forms (CAC, Memo. & Articles of Association)
- Recent Utility bill
- Filled Application form
- Collateral worth more than the requested amount
- Board Resolution etc.
Note: Interest rate and requirement varies depending on the Financial Institution.
Contact Strong Tower Capital Limited
You can contact a representative of this company today: Call/SMS/Whatsapp: 0803 526 0327
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