How to use Google to discover book ideas is what this short post is all about. You can find the next bestselling book ideas through Google search and as we all know, it is free to do so.
Related: How to use Flippa to find Book titles ideas
What is Google?
You must be living in the moon if you don’t know what and who Google is! Even those in the moon know what Google is all about. That is just a joke.
Google has been there for you and I for many years now and I believe Google is your friend. Virtually every internet user uses this platform for their searches.
How to use Google to discover book ideas: Picture guide
Now do you know that you can actually find new emerging niches or bestselling book ideas when you carry out your normal searches on Google?
Let me show you below how to do that.
Go to Google website
Go over to Google and Enter a keyword that represents a main niche market, you’re trying to target: (see the image below):
Observe related search keywords
Scroll down to the bottom of the page and observe the other related search keywords shown to you by Google: (see the image below):
Click a long-tail keyword
These related searches keywords can give you more information about some emerging trends in this main market.
I always try to drill down further by clicking a long-tail keyword among the related searches given to me by Google.
Usually these tiny new niches or emerging markets are buried when you drill further into long-tail keywords as I have done above after I clicked on one of the long-tailed keywords from the first related searches Google search gave me.
I hope this will help you to find new and hot book ideas using Google searches.
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