After running a post on this merger some months ago, we believe you deserve to have the latest news about Smashwords Draft2digital merger.
We have you covered with this post today.
Please read about the Smashwords Draft2digital merger here
You can also read this post on this same topic to give you background information about this post
Latest news about Smashwords Draft2digital merger: What you need to know
This post on the latest news about Smashwords Draft2digital merger will show you the three phases of integration put forward by merger team of the two publishing giants to ensure smooth take over or integration.
This will also help you, if you publish with any of the two companies what you are required to do or not to do.
KDP College shares the latest new about Smashwords Draft2digital merger
Our new book Publishing and marketing blog, KDP College ran a oistysome days ago on this merger. I want you to check it out here.