Scientific research suggests that mindful practices such as yoga and meditation can “rewire” us at the molecular level. This means that they can heal and protect us from things like harmful addictions and mental health issues.
Practicing yoga can be a great way to reap the benefits of both physical exercise and mindful practices.
Online Yoga Classes
Below are 49 paid online yoga classes worth investing in to help you feel more strong, calm, and confident. Be sure to also check out our list of free online yoga classes.
This list includes:
- Modern Online Yoga Classes
- Beginner Online Yoga Classes
- Focused Online Yoga Classes
- Specialized Online Yoga Classes
- Yoga Class Websites
Modern Online Yoga Classes
1. 8 Simple Yoga Stretches You Can Do in Your Bed to Get Rid of Back Pain
Learn the camel pose, fish pose, neck stretch pose, and others with 8 Simple Yoga Stretches. This course holds on to the idea that all bodies are worthy of feeling good.
This course was designed to make yoga accessible to anyone, no matter what body they’re in. In this class, you’ll practice 8 different stretches you can do in your bed to help you release tension in your back, shoulders, and neck.
Key topics include:
- Camel pose
- Fish pose
- Forward fold
- Neck stretch
- Restorative wall pose
Price: $15/month for a Skillshare subscription
2. Chair Yoga: Yoga for Everyone!
Learn various yoga poses and exercises with Chair Yoga. Discover stress management techniques, including simple breathing, relaxation, and meditation practices.
Whether you’re an experienced yogi or a curious beginner, this class will help you perform chair yoga at home or at work. Stacie Dooreck, author of SunLight Chair Yoga books, will show you a new way to approach yoga with 3 hours of on-demand video, 2 articles, and 9 downloadable resources.
Key topics include:
- Flexibility and strength
- Energy and clarity
- Overall well-being
Price: $45
3. Easy Yoga for Home
Easy Yoga for Home will show you how to execute poses properly to maximize the benefits for your body.
This course is best for anyone who wants a break from the traditional gym workouts and fitness classes, or someone who just wants to add some variety to their yoga routine.
Key topics include:
- Performing basic poses
- Building simple easy yoga workout for home
- Understanding breathing exercises
Price: $35
4. Office Yoga
Reduce work stress with Office Yoga. Learn to perform yoga poses at your desk, as well as master chair yoga poses to reduce tension and improve energy. This course will also guide you through simple meditations for clarity and calmness while showing you how you can insert short yoga breaks for a healthy workday balance.
Discover simple chair yoga practices that you can perform at home, at work, or while traveling to stay healthy, energized, and flexible.
Key topics include:
- Stress reduction at work
- Yoga poses at your desk
- Chair yoga poses to reduce tension
- Simple meditations for clarity and calmness
- Short yoga breaks for workday balance
Price: $45
5. Rise and Shine! Start Your Day with Yoga
Rise and Shine! Start Your Day with Yoga starts with a resting position before moving up to do some seated work, before progressing to standing poses. Finally, you’ll learn to perform a gentle Sun Salutation.
Key topics include:
- Yoga warm-up
- Sun salutations
Price: $15/month for a Skillshare subscription
6. YogiDance – Yoga for Kids!
In just a 30-minute class, YogiDance – Yoga for Kids! teaches imaginative yoga poses that allow kids to pretend they are collecting treasure on an island while going on a fun adventure.
Children will receive lessons on how to hula hoop to improve balance, while also learning to relax and concentrate on objectives.
Key topics include:
- Hula hoop
- Practice yoga animals and other poses
Price: $19.99
Beginner Online Yoga Classes
7. Ashtanga Yoga Beginners’ Course
Ashtanga Yoga Beginners’ Course will walk you through how to practice Ashtanga Yoga in a methodical, safe and clear way. The course was created to help students learn and retain the Astanga sequence.
The sequence includes Sun Salutations A and B, the first three sets of standing postures, as well as wide-legged forward bends and lateral forward bends. You’ll also learn to perform openers for the shoulders and upper back, along with balance postures, warrior sequences, and back bends.
Key topics include:
- Ashtanga Yoga
- Sun Salutation
- Balance Postures
Price: $50
8. Basic Yoga Meditation
Learn Basic Yoga Meditation for self-realization as it was taught by the ancient sages of yoga.
By the end of the class, you’ll have a basic understanding of how traditional yoga can incorporate deep meditation to enrich your experience. The course has 4 guided meditations in downloadable MP3 for you to practice at your convenience.
Key topics include:
- Meditation for self-realization
Price: $25
9. Easy Yoga for Self Love
Easy Yoga for Self Love, led by Melissa Redondo, explores the most basic standing postures in yoga. You’ll also learn to achieve more challenging twists and backbends with this course.
Strengthen legs, abs, and back muscles and work the flexibility of the upper back and sternum. Finally, physically revitalize and clear your mind to be strong and positive towards yourself and your body.
Key topics include:
- Explore basic standing postures in yoga
- Work deeper into twists and backbends
- Strengthen legs, abs, and back muscles
Price: $15/month for a Skillshare subscription
10. Essential Yoga for Beginners
Essential Yoga for Beginners is the perfect introduction for yoga newbies. Start practicing on your own, in the safe environment of your home. Stress tends to have long term negative consequences, but adding these simple poses to your routine can help you combat those effects.
If you’re looking for a calming way to move and relax at the same time, then this class is for you.
Key topics include:
- Developing confidence
- Yoga basics
Price: $40
11. Fully Accredited Yoga Foundation Course – Learn & Love Yoga!
The Fully Accredited Yoga Foundation Course will help you to understand your own reasons for starting yoga, whether it’s to increase fitness and flexibility, or to use yoga as a self-development aid to combat stress and increase your well-being.
This course includes videos on yoga twists, the foundations of yoga, and yoga posture.
Key topics include:
- The Foundations of Yoga
- Yoga Postures
- Yoga Twists
- Yoga Know-How
- Using Props
- Yoga and Meditation
Price: $15/month for a Skillshare subscription
12. How to Wake Up with Yoga
Set the tone for your day with How to Wake Up with Yoga in just 10 minutes. This energizing morning yoga workout will lead you through two flowing sequences meant to warm up your body.
You don’t need any experience or special equipment, so grab your mat and get started with some safety tips and sun salutations.
Key topics include:
- Safety Tips
- Preparation
- Sun Salutation
Price: $15/month for a Skillshare subscription
13. Say Hello to Your Hips & Hamstrings [Yoga for Beginners 2/6]
Enroll in Say Hello to Your Hips and Hamstrings and tune in deeper to the areas of our body that are notoriously tight in those of us with a desk-bound life-style.
Key topics include:
- Hip warm-ups
- Hips and hamstrings routine
- Sun salutation
Price: $15/month for a Skillshare subscription
14. The Lotus Pose: Yoga Challenge for Beginners
The Lotus Pose: Yoga Challenge for Beginners includes an introduction to lotus poses for meditation while teaching the benefits of the lotus pose.
As you’re working towards the pose, the hamstring muscles will lengthen and loosen, the hips will become more open, and with practice you will gradually gain incredible flexibility. Furthermore, the pose will help you remain relaxed and focused. Achieve a healthy body, healthy joints, and a healthy mind.
Key topics include:
- Introduction to lotus pose
- Lotus pose for meditation
Price: $15/month for Skillshare subscription
15. Yoga for Absolute Beginners by Skillshare
If you have always been curious about yoga, Yoga for Absolute Beginners will offer you a comprehensive introduction that teaches the fundamental basics.
The course will also show you how to set up your practice space for the most effective sessions.
Key topics include:
- Yoga props
- Yoga breathing
Price: $15/month for a Skillshare subscription
16. Yoga For Absolute Beginners by Udemy
Identify the basic poses taught in foundational yoga with Yoga For Absolute Beginners and learn step by step how to get in and out of a variety of yoga postures. Also, learn how you can safely build a yoga practice from scratch without prior experience.
Learn the names of the most commonly practiced yoga postures in English and in Sanskrit as you gain the confidence and strength to be able to practice yoga at home or in any Yoga setting
Key topics include:
- Basic poses
- Practicing yoga with confidence
Price: $44.99
17. Yoga & Meditation Basics
Yoga & Meditation Basics is a step by step guide through the foundations of yoga and meditation. When you finish this course you will be able to do yoga to achieve a fit, strong, flexible and healthy body.
Practice proper breathing techniques, as well as mindfulness and meditation activities to handle difficult emotions and manage anxiety. Use yoga to calm your nervous system and relieve anxiety.
Key topics include:
- Yoga to increase tone, strength, and flexibility
- Breathing exercises
Price: $59.99
18. Yoga for Beautiful Strength in Body & Mind [Yoga for Beginners 1/6]
With Yoga for Beautiful Strength in Body and Mind, you’ll flow through a gentle session that will support you in finding mobility and strength. You’ll learn to achieve a deeper awareness of your body and mind.
Key topics include:
- Gentle warm up
- Core yoga exercises
- Suryanamaska
Price: $15/month for a Skillshare subscription
19. Yoga for Beginners by Sacha Heath
Yoga for Beginners introduces Hatha Yoga with easy yoga poses and their correct alignment. Learn how to use your breathing to enhance your practice.
Discover some of the basic philosophy behind yoga, along with 7 yoga sequences that can be used over and over again to maintain health and wellness.
Key topics include:
- Beginner Hatha Yoga
- Easy yoga poses
- Yoga breathing
- Philosophy behind yoga
Price: $19.99
20. Yoga for Beginners by Liz Blush
This Yoga for Beginners course features a variety of poses you can do from your chair. This is supplementary to poses that will help strengthen and engage your muscles as you use your breath to guide your movements. Ideal for those with limited mobility and those who work sitting at a computer.
It is perfect for those who are curious about yoga and prefer to practice at home. In this course, you will learn different yoga poses targeted for those who are new to yoga and have limited flexibility.
Key topics include:
- Chair yoga
- Home yoga
Price: $19.99
21. Yoga for Beginners: A Guide To Get Started (Aka How NOT to Bend Yourself into a Pretzel)
In this short 25-minute Yoga for Beginners tutorial class, learn how you can get started with yoga by determining how you want to approach yoga. You’ll see that this might also correspond to how you approach life.
If you’ve never joined a yoga class before and are feeling unsure, this class is for you. At the end of this class, you will have found greater confidence to practice yoga.
Key topics include:
- Yoga basics
- Yoga deep dive
Price: $15/month for a Skillshare subscription
22. Yoga for Beginners: A Full Body Introductory Routine
Yoga for Beginners: A Full Body Introductory Routine is a 12-minute energizing yoga routine to kick start your body and mind so you can wake up to an amazing day ahead.
There’s no need for you to have prior yoga experience to complete the beginner yoga vinyasa. Whether you are a newbie or a yoga expert, this swift 12-minute full-body sequence is a great addition to your busy day.
Key topics include:
- Beginner yoga routine
- Yoga basics
Price: $15/month for a Skillshare subscription
Focused Online Yoga Classes
23. An Intro to Power Yoga for Strength, Balance, and Flexibility
An Intro to Power Yoga for Strength, Balance and Flexibility, led by Ivory Howard, will motivate you to set down your mat and prepare for a fortifying full-body exercise.
Investigate the standard stances of yoga and work each muscle through the development and breathing exercises that will help you achieve greater adaptability, quality, and balance. No related knowledge or equipment is needed.
Key topics include:
- Safety tips
- Preparation
- Sun Salutation
Price: $15/month for a Skillshare subscription
24. Hand Mudras in Yoga
Learn easy hand gestures used in holistic healing with Hand Mudras in Yoga. Discover the various kinds of mudras or gestures used in combination with yoga poses.
You’ll understand each of the mudras’ advantages and receive helpful tips and cautions to keep in mind while performing yoga mudras.
Key topics include:
- Yoga techniques
- Basic mudras
Price: $40
25. Learn to Fly with Yoga Arm Balances
Learn to Fly with Yoga Arm Balances will walk you through a variety of arm balances to expand and enhance your yoga practice.
This course welcomes experienced yogis and newbies who are trying out arm balances for the first time. No experience or special equipment required.
Key topics include:
- Safety tips
- Crow pose
- Side crow pose
Price: $15/month for a Skillshare subscription
26. Yoga Inversions 3: How to Headstand
The first two courses that precede this class are free, but Yoga Inversions 3 will introduce more complex exercises that will give you greater confidence while practicing yoga.
This advanced class will teach you how to kick up into a handstand, fall out of a hand stand, and find the right balance.
Key topics include:
- How to kick up into a handstand
- Falling out of handstand
- Finding the right balance
Price: $15/month for a Skillshare subscription
27. Yoga Strength
Led by Lizette Pompa, Yoga Strength targets different parts of the body to add strength to those areas.
This program is intended to help you achieve quality as you progress through your yoga practice. Each class centers around a different section of the body: shoulders, hips, core, glutes, and hamstrings.
Key topics include:
- Body strength
- Shoulder and hip exercises
- Glutes and hamstrings exercises
Price: $24.99
28. Power Yoga: Balance & Flow
Learn safety tips and a variety of poses, including the child’s pose and crow pose, with Power Yoga: Balance & Flow. The course invites you to log your workout and provide your feedback to the instructor after completing the class.
Share your favorite pose by posting a picture of yourself during your routine so you can interact with the rest of the community online.
Key topics include:
- Safety tips
- Crescent series
- Crow pose
- Child’s pose
Price: $15/month for a Skillshare subscription
Specialized Online Yoga Classes
29. Brain Health: Special Yoga
This yoga course focuses on brain health and well-being through Mudra yoga and Prana yoga lessons. Discover the breathing patterns that produce serotonin hormones in the brain, cleanse the brain cells, and create alpha waves.
There are mudras to improve the efficiency of the pituitary gland and improve the coordination between the right brain and the left brain. Also, mastery of the mudras will help to prevent shrinkage of the brain.
Key topics include:
- Mudra Yoga
- Benefits of Yoga fro the brain
Price: $20
30. Elemental Yoga for Pregnancy
Master prenatal yoga with Elemental Yoga for Pregnancy. Perform prenatal-safe yoga poses for maintaining a healthy pregnancy. Feel loose, rejuvenated, more grounded, and progressively adaptable, both physically and mentally.
Pregnancy can be awfully uncomfortable, so this class can help you feel harmony in mind and body, while also developing a closer connection with nature.
Key topics include:
- Prenatal yoga
- Increase blood circulation
Price: $50
31. Gentle Restorative Yoga
Get back into shape easily and effortlessly with Gentle Restorative Yoga. This course teaches easy restorative yoga to help you look after your body.
In just 1.5 hours of on-demand video, 4 articles, and 1 downloadable resource, try this simple and relaxing yoga suitable for all ages and fitness levels.
Key topics include:
- Restorative yoga
- Yoga for relaxation
Price: $35
32. Yoga For Anxiety
Deal with anxiety and panic attacks better with Yoga For Anxiety. See a decrease in overall anxiety and gain a greater perspective of their emotional life. This course is tailor-fit for those of us who deal with anxiety disorders, such as panic attacks.
Master the 12 techniques in this program including breathing, yoga postures, and meditation.
Key topics include:
- Deal with anxiety and panic attacks better
- See an overall diminishment in overall anxiety
- Gain a greater perspective of their emotional life
Price: $19.99
33. Yoga for Busy Moms
Achieve an improved awareness of your body and its needs with Yoga for Busy Moms. Improve clarity, focus, strength, balance, and flexibility while trying various yoga poses and routines that will benefit you the rest of your life.
Learn how to better manage the stress of daily life in these 30-minute yoga practices, each designed with a different emphasis, from relaxation to complementing other workouts.
Key topics include:
- Body awareness
- Home yoga
Price: $24.99
34. Yoga for Men
Yoga for Men aims to help men confidently enter a yoga class and learn how to make the appropriate adjustments and modifications for their bodies. This course features 3 hours of on-demand video and full lifetime access on your TV or mobile device.
Key topics include:
- Yoga fundamentals
- Breakdown of the postures
- 30-minute guided practice
Price: $54.99
35. Yoga Postpartum Exercises
Reclaim your figure with Yoga Postpartum Exercises. This course teaches healing yoga sequences that will strengthen your core and help you achieve flat abs. Recover your figure and energy after childbirth and heal your body with this gentle yoga series.
The four video classes provide the yoga postures you need to regain your body and health during the first 6 months after childbirth. Baby can even join in!
Key topics include:
- Postpartum yoga
- Safety tips
Price: $24.99
36. Yoga Psychology 101
Yoga Psychology 101 takes yoga to a whole other level. With practical, cutting-edge psychology knowledge, the course instructor will help identify common psychological issues amongst yoga students and private clients while providing effective support.
Yoga Psychology 101 is an in-depth, practical exploration of how common psychological disorders and issues affect yoga practice. Broken down into 26 comprehensible videos, this course also provides sample materials yoga teachers can use right away to help deepen work with students and individual clients.
Key topics include:
- Identifying common psychological issues
- Yoga for better mental health
Price: $49.99
37. Yoga Psychology Chakra Flow
Yoga Psychology Chakra Flow includes 3 hours of on-demand video that will walk you through a path of self-discovery. Upgrade your practice and develop the pillars of physical and emotional health through the first four chakras.
Learn how to find grounding and safety when you’re experiencing fear, and discover how to switch on your inspiration and reconnect to your creativity.
Key topics include:
- Mulhadhara
- Svadhisthana
- Anahata
Price: $19.99
38. Yoga Therapy: Backbends for Better Posture
If you spend most of your days sitting at a desk hunched over the computer, Yoga Therapy will help you to avoid the loss of flexibility and mobility in our muscles and joints. In this class, you’ll walk through several heart-opening and back-bending yoga poses to increase flexibility in your spine.
Backbends are some of the most therapeutic yoga postures. Backbends improve spinal flexibility and stimulate the nervous system to relieve stress and anxiety. Through regular practice, you’ll see a change in your spinal flexibility.
Key topics include:
- Safety tips
- Intention
- Sun salutations
Price: $15/month for a Skillshare subscription
39. Yoga Therapy: Stretches for More Flexible Hips
During this Yoga Therapy course, explore rare, dynamic yoga poses and static stretches to build strength. Also improve flexibility in your hips and hamstrings.
Through regular practice, observe a change in your hip strength and flexibility.
Key topics include:
- Safety tips
- Hip focus
- Sun salutations
Price: $15/month for a Skillshare subscription
Yoga Class Websites
40. AloMoves
AloMoves will help you to find your flow based on your preferred duration, style, and intensity. Practice how to perform inversions, vinyasa, and breathing techniques with a variety of world-class instructors.
Key topics include:
- Hip mobility yoga
- Breathing
- Inversions
- Basic to intermediate yoga
Price: $20
41. Mad Yogi
Mad Yogi aims to establish a yoga practice that accommodates and responds to your physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and lifestyle needs. From lessons on the mat to everyday life, Mad Yogi will show you how to manage stress and nurture a state of greater presence.
Key topics include:
- Modern yoga
- Mindfulness yoga
Price: $20
42. MyYogaWorks
Search for classes by teacher, duration, and style with MyYogaWorks to discover the course that best meets your needs. Enjoy a growing number of more than 1,200 premium classes to learn a new pose or target a specific body part.
Explore their preloaded playlists, complete with practice schedules. With a two-week free trial, you can get your daily dose of yoya on your tablet and mobile.
Key topics include:
- Basic yoga
- Intermediate yoga
Price: $15
43. YA Classes
YA Classes plant a tree for every class that members take. Keep your practice fresh with new classes and weekly programs.
Practice with expert instructors in your home or on the go without the risk of judgment, and practice at your own time and pace. Access exclusive classes anytime when you download the app on your phone.
Key topics include:
- Self-paced yoga
- Power vinyasa
- Cardio tribal dance
Price: $10
44. Yoga Anytime
Yoga Anytime allows you to enjoy 15 days for free and provides you with classes that will help you move, connect, heal, and learn yoga.
Practice with 100+ yoga experts. Create your own personal yoga journey that can includes various yoga flows, poses, techniques, and skills.
Key topics include:
- Body focus
- Body strengthening
- Yoga basics
- Intermediate yoga
Price: $18
45. Yoga vibes
Yoga Vibes adds new yoga classes frequently so you can enjoy a variety of styles and class durations.
Pick teachers who meet your needs with over 2,000 yoga, meditation and barre classes. Enjoy unlimited, on-demand streaming access.
Key topics include:
- Basic yoga
- Meditation
Price: $19.95
With, you’ll gain unlimited streaming access to 1500+ online yoga classes. New classes are added weekly, and there’s something for every student level.
Key topics include:
- Yoga for rock climbers
- Yoga for busy people
Price: $12
47. YogaGlo
With YogaGlo, you’ll have the options to sign up for beginner, intermediate, or advanced courses. Choose focus areas, such as an upper/lower back restorative session, or a routine that promises better sleep.
Key topics include:
- Upper and lower Back yoga
- Restorative yoga
- Core meditation
Price: $18
48. Yoga International
With Yoga International, get 30 days of free yoga unlimited and stream hundreds of expertly led yoga and meditation classes on any device. Get involved with yoga classes led by expert teachers and perform meditations.
Relax and renew your mind with a meditation practice and deep dive into all things yoga. Motivate yourself with monthly themed challenges and more than 1,000 classes ranging from 5 to 120 minutes.
Key topics include:
- Meditations
- Yoga challenges
Price: $14.99
Yoga Benefits
The right yoga class could be your ticket to a stronger, calmer, and more confident you. Learn to invest in daily yoga to significantly improve your lifestyle.
Try one of these excellent online yoga courses today, or study up on the benefits of meditation and the best meditation apps.
Did you like the yoga classes on this list? Have you tried any of them before? Let us know in the comments below!