Note: This historical fiction, Prisoner of Destiny, was written in English and French by Uchenna Kennedy Nwakamma. Both versions are included in this book. Description of Prisoner of Destiny (English) The play takes place around Umuariam, a consanguineous community
Nigerian Christian romance novel: Thorns Inside the Rose
A new Nigerian Christian romance novel is out. It’s titled, Thorns Inside the Rose. It’s the sequel to the popular and best-selling Christian romance novel, The Prostitute. The author of this Nigerian Christian romance fiction, Thorns Inside the Rose, Sesan
Christian Romance Fiction: Get a Sample Copy of The Prostitute
Chapter 1 Along the street corner in the twilight, the darkness thickening very fast into the night walked a young man in his early thirties. He was grey-headed as an albatross and his eyes inside his dark glasses silently looking