You will love this post on How to make your old books sell on Amazon. There are many old books gathering dust on the Amazon bookshelf. Most authors on Amazon usually write and publish ebooks on Amazon using the Amazon
When Amazon terminate your KDP account
What happens when Amazon terminate your KDP account? This is a question that has come up on several publishing and book forums online. There can be a lot of reasons why Amazon can decide to terminate your KDP account. The
How to offer your ebooks at a discount on Amazon
This article will show you how to offer your ebooks on a discount at Amazon. This is for those who publish their ebooks using the Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) platform. What is Amazon KDP? Amazon KDP help authors
How to receive your ebook royalty from Amazon as a Nigerian
How to receive your ebook royalty from Amazon as a Nigerian. This is a hot topic among authors in Nigeria who want to sell their ebooks on Amazon. If you sell ebooks on Amazon as a Nigerian, receiving